UserPyModules.CustomChecks package



UserPyModules.CustomChecks.CheckPackageAttributes module

class UserPyModules.CustomChecks.CheckPackageAttributes.CheckPackageAttributes(internalApi)

Bases: AbstractPackageCheck

Check Package Attributes


Checks whether all package attributes are set according to YAML config.

Specifics and Results


Specify the attributes to be checked in the YAML configuration file according to the following pattern. Three types of checks are possible

  1. Check if a value should exist for a specific attribute or if attributes should be left empty:

    <attribute name>: True, False

  2. Check if a selected attribute value is in a list of allowed choices:
    <attribute name>:

    [<choice one>, <choice two>, …]

  3. Check if an attribute matches a specific pattern
    <attribute name>:

    “RegexPattern”: <your pattern> (“RegexDescription”: <description for error print>) optional

Return messages:

  • “<attribute name> must not be empty”

  • “<attribute name> must not be set”

  • “<attribute name> no valid option out of: <attributes options>”

  • <attribute name> must not be empty! <CustomMessage>

  • <attribute name> must not be empty! Intended pattern: <RegexPattern>

  • <attribute name> must not be empty! Allowed options: <list>

  • <attribute name> does not match pattern. <CustomMessage>

  • <attribute name> does not match pattern: <RegexPattern>

  • “No field: ‘RegexPattern’ was provided!”

  • “<Provided pattern> is not a valid pattern!”

GetName() str

Name to be shown in UI and used in the config.yaml

check(test_item, parameters) List

Needs to be implemented in the custom check (template method)

test_item: item from Object API

generic test item; Package, Project or AnalysisPackage

parameters: any

the Parameters entry from config.yaml


list of CheckResult (empty if no violation was found)

UserPyModules.CustomChecks.CheckPackageContentAllowed module

class UserPyModules.CustomChecks.CheckPackageContentAllowed.CheckPackageContentAllowed(internalApi)

Bases: AbstractPackageCheck

Check Package for allowed test steps


Checks whether the target package only consists of the specified test steps in the configured package layers.


to configure this test in the config.yaml, add allowed TestStep-Types in AllowList Parameter and the considered SearchDepth, if no SearchDepth is configured, all package layers are checked.

Return messages:

  • “Not allowed content of type <ts_type> in line <ts_line>!”

GetName() str

Name to be shown in UI and used in the config.yaml

check(test_item, parameters) List

Needs to be implemented in the custom check (template method)

test_item: item from Object API

generic test item; Package, Project or AnalysisPackage

parameters: any

the Parameters entry from config.yaml


list of CheckResult (empty if no violation was found)

check_test_step(test_step, layer, allow_list, search_depth) None

Check if the test step is allowed by the defined allow list; checks child test steps recursively as well for the given search depth

test_step: TestStep object

the test step item

layer: int

the current package layer

allow_list: List[str]

allowed test step types

search_depth: int

the search depth



get_test_steps_of_item(item) List

Gets the test steps of the target item

item: Package object or TestStep object

tha package or test step item


test step items

UserPyModules.CustomChecks.CheckPackageContentForbidden module

class UserPyModules.CustomChecks.CheckPackageContentForbidden.CheckPackageContentForbidden(internalApi)

Bases: AbstractPackageCheck

Check Package Content


Checks whether the package has forbidden content via a denylist.

Specifics and Results

Checks for following forbidden test steps:

  • To-Do test step

  • Pre- or Postcondition

Return messages:

  • “Forbidden content of type <ts_type> in line <ts_line>!”


GetName() str

Name to be shown in UI and used in the config.yaml

check(test_item, parameters) List

Needs to be implemented in the custom check (template method)

test_item: item from Object API

generic test item; Package, Project or AnalysisPackage

parameters: any

the Parameters entry from config.yaml


list of CheckResult (empty if no violation was found)

UserPyModules.CustomChecks.CheckPackageGeneralInformation module

class UserPyModules.CustomChecks.CheckPackageGeneralInformation.CheckPackageGeneralInformation(internalApi)

Bases: AbstractPackageCheck

Check Package General Information


Checks whether the general package information are valid.

Specifics and Results

Checks the following fields:

  • Package description

  • Package version

  • Package test case flag

Return messages:

  • “Description must not be empty!”

  • “Description insufficient. Should contain at least <value> characters!”

  • “Description should contain pattern.<CustomMessage>”

  • “Description should contain pattern: <RegexPattern>”

  • “TestCaseFlag must be set!”

  • “TestCaseFlag must not be set!”

  • “’<RegexPattern>’ is not a valid regular expression pattern. Check <config file>!”

  • “’<Version>’ does not match pattern <RegexPattern>”


  • When more flags are added in the config, the source code needs to be extended

GetName() str

Name to be shown in UI and used in the config.yaml

check(test_item, parameters) List

Needs to be implemented in the custom check (template method)

test_item: item from Object API

generic test item; Package, Project or AnalysisPackage

parameters: any

the Parameters entry from config.yaml


list of CheckResult (empty if no violation was found)

check_description(package, description)

Checks the description

package: Package object

the package

description: dict

Description entry in the configuration


check results

check_test_case_flag(package, tc_flag)

Checks whether the test case flag is set

package: Package object

the package

tc_flag: bool

tc_flag from the configuration


check results

check_version(package, version)

Checks the version

package: Package object

the package

version: any

entry from the configuration


check results

UserPyModules.CustomChecks.CheckPackageLocalMapping module

class UserPyModules.CustomChecks.CheckPackageLocalMapping.CheckPackageLocalMapping(internalApi)

Bases: AbstractPackageCheck

Check Local Package Mapping


Checks whether the package has forbidden mapping types in its local mapping via a denylist.

Specifics and Results


Specify the forbidden mapping types in the YAML configuration file

Return messages:

  • “mapping item with name ‘<mapping name>’ is of type ‘<mapping type>’ which is forbidden!”


GetName() str

Name to be shown in UI and used in the config.yaml

check(test_item, parameters) List[CheckResult]

Needs to be implemented in the custom check (template method)

test_item: item from Object API

generic test item; Package, Project or AnalysisPackage

parameters: any

the Parameters entry from config.yaml


list of CheckResult (empty if no violation was found)

check_mapping_item_mapping_type(mapping_item, deny_list) List[CheckResult]

Check a single mapping item for forbidden types

mapping_item: Mapping item object

the mapping item

deny_list: List

list of forbidden mapping types


check results

check_package_mapping_types(package, parameters) List[CheckResult]

Check a package for forbidden mapping types in local mapping

package: Package object

the package

parameters: Dict

the custom check parameters


check results

UserPyModules.CustomChecks.CheckPackageNamespace module

class UserPyModules.CustomChecks.CheckPackageNamespace.CheckPackageNamespace(internalApi)

Bases: AbstractPackageCheck

Check Package Namespace


Checks whether the package file name is valid.


Specify the pattern of the checked packages in the YAML configuration file as Regex. The parameter for this check is called <RegexPackageName> in the config.yaml.

Return messages:

  • “Please save the package <package_name>. Could not find folder location!”

  • “<RegexPattern> is not a valid pattern!”

  • “<PackageName> does not follow name pattern. <CustomMessage>”

  • “<PackageName> does not follow name pattern: <Regex>”


GetName() str

Name to be shown in UI and used in the config.yaml

check(test_item, parameters) List

Checks if package name matches regex pattern

UserPyModules.CustomChecks.CheckPackageVariables module

class UserPyModules.CustomChecks.CheckPackageVariables.CheckPackageVariables(internalApi)

Bases: AbstractPackageCheck

Check Package Variables


  • Checks for each variable:
    • Whether the name matches the provided pattern

    • Whether the variable description matches the provided pattern

  • Checks whether the variables are sorted alphabetically. Following parameters must be

  • Sort method (ascending or descending)

  • Number of relevant characters from the beginning of each variable. With 0, False or None,

full variable names are considered.

Specifics and Results

  • Detailed information for invalid configuration
    • Required variables

    • Required parameters

    • Validation of the parameters (Type check, Regex Pattern compile)


GetName() str

Name to be shown in UI and used in the config.yaml

check(test_item, parameters) List

Needs to be implemented in the custom check (template method)

test_item: item from Object API

generic test item; Package, Project or AnalysisPackage

parameters: any

the Parameters entry from config.yaml


list of CheckResult (empty if no violation was found)


Checks varaible type is not undefined.


variable: the variable to be checked


check results


Checks if package contains unused variables


package: the package to be checked


check results

check_variable(package, parameters)

Checks name and description of a given variable.


variable: the package to be checked parameters: contains the expected values (name and description) of the checked parameters


check results

check_variable_description(variable, parameters)

Checks the description of the variables.


variable: the variable to be checked parameters: contains the expected description


check results

check_variable_name(variable, parameters)

Checks name of a given variable.


variable: the variable to be checked parameters: contains the expected name


check results

check_variable_order(package, parameters)

Checks the order of the variable list.


variable: the package to be checked parameters: contains the expected ordering


check results


Checks type consistency of a given variable.


variable: the variable to be checked


check results


Determines the type of a variable (Local Var, Function, Parameter, Return value)


variable: the variable to be checked


The type of the variable, or None if no matching type was found.

UserPyModules.CustomChecks.CheckProjectAttributes module

class UserPyModules.CustomChecks.CheckProjectAttributes.CheckProjectAttributes(internalApi)

Bases: AbstractProjectCheck

Check project Attributes


Checks whether all project attributes are set according to YAML config.

Specifics and Results


Specify the attributes to be checked in the YAML configuration file according to the following pattern. Three types of checks are possible

1. Check if a value should exists for a specific attribute or if attributes should be left empty:

<attribute name>: True, False

  1. Check if a selected attribute value is in a list of allowed choices:
    <attribute name>:

    [<choice one>, <choice two>, …]

  2. Check if an attribute matches a specific pattern
    <attribute name>:

    “Regex Pattern”: <your pattern> (“Regex Description”: <description for error print>) optional

Return messages:

  • “<attribute name> must not be empty”

  • “<attribute name> must not be set

  • “<attribute name> no valid option out of: <attributes options>”

  • “No field: ‘Regex Pattern’ was provided!”

  • “<Provided pattern> is not a valid pattern!”

  • “<Provided pattern> does not match description: ‘Regex Description’ “

  • “<Provided pattern> does not match pattern: ‘Regex Pattern’”

GetName() str

Name to be shown in UI and used in the config.yaml

check(test_item, parameters) List

Needs to be implemented in the custom check (template method)

test_item: item from Object API

generic test item; Package, Project or AnalysisPackage

parameters: any

the Parameters entry from config.yaml


list of CheckResult (empty if no violation was found)

Module contents